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B O . H E . M I
B O D Y . H E A L T H . M I N D
what is Y O G A ?Yoga is an ancient philosophic tradition. It implies various techniques - eight to be precise - that supposingly let you reach an enlightend state of mind. Among others - the most common yoga techniques mowadays - physical practise. Yoga contains countless different poses called A S A N A S. They are often confused with acrobatic exercise with the focus on increasing mobility. But if practised with a basic understanding for miomehcnics of the human body, they do far more.
what is P R A N A Y A M A ?The second technique of the eight limbs of Yogic tradition that you leanr in common yoga classes is called P R A N A Y A M A. It concerns the breath. Multible exercises are baiscally designed to bring awareness into a mostly unconciously practised automatism of our existence - which only too often makes all the difference. Our breath has so much more impact on our physical condition - either in everyday life or in special incidences (sports, pain, stress, childbirth etc) By training the breath conciously it is possible to increase the oxygen level of the blood, gain more lunge capacity and keeping the cardiovascular system in optimal conditions. Pranayama is practised in stillness or in movement. Depending on the exercise and the style of Yoga you're doing it is often combined with asanas. Which then effects the intensity and the impact of the pose fundamentally. This is mostly the reason why yoga is known for its relaxing and soothing benefits. It is known to wind you down, to ease - not only the body but also your mind.
what is P I L A T E S ?Pilates is a special method of exercise, which was first established in the late 19th century by a german boxer and movement pioneer - Joseph Pilates. It contains a certain programme that is designed to strenghten, mobilize and organize the musculature in a holistic way. The major focus is on strengthening the core - the so called "Powerhouse" of your body. It is very famous for its profound positive impact in the spine, as well as to prevent and also rehabilitate a huge amount of injuries. Pilates provides a Programm for the training on the mat and also with special machines. Both for basic, intermediate and / or advanced level of training.
why a C O N C I O U S diet ?There are countless theories about what is healthy or not. Hundreds of thousands real and fake experts that swear to know the only truth about what is R E A L L Y and fundamentally healthy and what not. But there is one point in which of all them tend to agree - No matter what you decide to eat, the healthiest way is to do it C O N C I O U S L Y. conciously about ingredients, well educated what does what in your body, how your body transforms it and train yourself to notice how Y O U R biosystem probably reacts differnetly. Choosing the diet is a very private and therefor especially delicate matter. But it seems obvious that it do matter what you take in - because it directly and certainly effects how it works out. All ingredients in food however have an impact on our biochemical system - either a positive, optimizing and healing one or the complete opposite. But we are so very lucky to be able to educate, observe and empower ourselves in order to then being able to make the right choices for U S - conciously.
why M E D I T A T I O N and mindwork ?For centuries Meditation, mindwork or breathing techniques are well known to ease the mind, calm stress more or less immediately and making the unpredictable challanges in life a little bit easier to handle. nowadays there is more and more scientific proof of the fundamentally positive impact of meditiation and breathing techniques on your brain and therefor on all body functions.
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